Jimmy Singal
 Nuker Posts:14

02/22/2006 9:27 AM |
Hi Sandi, Thanks.. Ok.. today I already put 2 textbox and 1 dropdownlist into a new usercontrol called "asefuser.ascx". And after that I add this new usercontrol to "Register.ascx" just below the "user.ascx".
BTW I am using DNN 4.02
But what I am confuse is that I also have to change others files as well, like those are in the DotNetNuke.Library/Components/Users/UserInfo.vb and DotNetNuke.Library/Components/Users/UserProfile.vb
Am I doing the correct way? |
sandi sandi
 Nuke Active Member Posts:28

02/22/2006 11:22 AM |
Hi J_Singal, You have created your own usercontrol and added into register.ascx is right. Now tell me whether you want to change registration form completely or partially. If completely then you don’t need to change DotNetNuke.Library/Components/Users/UserInfo.vb. You can create your own class files (asefuserinfo.vb and asefusercontroller.vb) and use it. If partially then you will have to change DotNetNuke.Library/Components/Users/UserInfo.vb and adjust your fields with UserInfo fields… actually this is very easy as you will just have to add your fields everywhere.
Note: I would suggest create your own classes and controls. And then just remove DNN’s controls from register page and call yours.
Jimmy Singal
 Nuker Posts:14

02/23/2006 12:12 AM |
Hi Sandi, Yes that's right I have added my usercontrol to the register.ascx. And actually I only need to change this registration form partially.
I have tried to create my own classes and controls but as I remember last time when I tried, at the end I always end up to change some core classes that I didn't really want to change. this classes are something related to UserProfile class or UserInfo class.
Thanks Sandi & Lee, I hope you can help me on this |
sandi sandi
 Nuke Active Member Posts:28

02/24/2006 4:58 AM |
Hi J_Single,
Ok, if you want to change registration form partially then no problem. Go ahead and change core classes...there is no harm in it.. I had also changed it and tested it was working fine. In registration there are three controls. You can directly change any of it. Or add your own and replace with existing one. (If you replce then you will have create own classes.) If you modify DNN's control then modify accordingly to all places (.vb files)...this will resolve your problem.. Let me know for further problems... Sandi |
Lee Sykes DNN Creative Staff
 Nuke Master VI Posts:4945

Jimmy Singal
 Nuker Posts:14

02/24/2006 10:20 AM |
Hi Sandi and Lee, Thanks for your suggestions. Currently I try to do it in separate module. I copied the register.aspx to my new module folder and start develop from there. Will get back to you next week  |
Jimmy Singal
 Nuker Posts:14

02/28/2006 8:43 PM |
Hello there, Good news, I successfully make changes to the registration module. Thanks for both of you! |
sandi sandi
 Nuke Active Member Posts:28

03/01/2006 10:19 AM |
Thats Good. |
Darryl Wright
 Nuke Newbie Posts:9

03/13/2006 6:43 AM |
Hi Guys
I see everyone here is having great successes in modifying the registration module. I'm glad I'm not the only person that needs to do so. Which files need to be modified such that I can add fields to the registration from and remove fields from the form? Also when adding and removing fields what effectively is being changed in the core of the DNN framework?
I will also require that the login module be modified once the registration module is complete because the fields that I will require the User to enter are not a username and password. |
Darryl Wright
 Nuke Newbie Posts:9

03/16/2006 4:56 AM |
Posted By sandip on 03 Feb 2006 8:01 AM Hello Lee, Hope you are doing fine.. I have removed the controls successfully... Glad to let you know that the solution behind it was very simple.... Just remove the register line (on top of the page, which uses to register the control) and controls tag from register.ascx.... thats all and rest is workign fine.. No control ref in register page hence no error.... :-) Thanks, Sandi
Hi Sandi I see that you managed to find successfully sort out the javascript problem you were having. Which line exactly were you removing in the register.ascx file to get rid of the javascript errors? Thanks Darryl |
sandi sandi
 Nuke Active Member Posts:28

03/21/2006 5:35 AM |
Hi Darryl, I was not in town for week and hence could not see all emails.. Well, you have to completly remove cotrol from register.ascx page. On top of the page each control registered is listed. So remove from there. e.g. You may be see following line < % @ Register TagPrefix="dnn" TagName="UserControl" Src="~/controls/UserControl.ascx" % >
Remove it.
lionel luo Posts:20

04/12/2006 11:05 PM |
hi, can you please give me some more steps I can follow, I'm new and try to do the same thing. many thanks. |
sandi sandi
 Nuke Active Member Posts:28

04/13/2006 3:10 AM |
Hi Darry, Yes, I think I had rereplied this before some where. Any ways. For completly removing module remove first registration code (2-3 lines) from register.ascx. THis will remove that control cmpletely and use can use your control insted. Hope this will help you. Regards, sandi |
 Nuke Newbie Posts:9

03/20/2008 6:17 AM |
Hi sandi and lee,
Great to hear you that you had got succeeded in modifying the registration page, i hav gone through your conversation with lee. I am also intended to customize the registration page. I am using the latest version 4.8.1. All you were speakin of register.ascx page, but i am sorry , i am not able to find it in my DNN site. I have gone through the core code. But couldn't able to find from where the data is retrieving and storing it in database, how was its going on? i got succeeded in adding fields to the registration page by adding the fields in userinfo.vb. but couldn't able to save the data to the database, please let me how can i overcome this?
Any help is appreciated. |
Joseph Craig DNN MVP Posts:11667

03/20/2008 9:18 AM |
The registration code probably has been renamed. Look in subdirectories of the admin directory if you really must customize. I would recommend instead that you take a look at DataSprings.com's Dynamic Registration module. It has a lot of flexibility and you won't have to redo the registration code every time you upgrade DotNetNuke. |
Joe Craig, Patapsco Research Group Complete DNN Support |
 Nuke Newbie Posts:9

03/21/2008 10:54 AM |
Hi craig, Thanks for your quick response, But i dont want to go for third party tool. I would like to make changes like sandi, any way thanks once again, any help, really in needed. |
 Nuke Newbie Posts:9

03/21/2008 11:00 AM |
Hi everybody, I can add field controls to the register page in dnn 4.8.1, but couldn't able to store the data, First and foremost thing is, i am unable to find how dnn is accessing the database and where? plz help needed, its very urgent. Thanks in advance |
Joseph Craig DNN MVP Posts:11667

03/21/2008 7:31 PM |
If you must go the route of customizing the registration module, I'd recommend that you first spend some time learning how the DotNetNuke framework is put together. The DotNetNuke Help area of adefwebserver.com is a good place to start.
As with most things it makes sense to spend some time learning, thinking and planning before you dive into the coding.
But, were I you, I'd probably spend my creative thinking time figuring out ways to raise the funds to purchase a product like the DataSprings Dynamic Registration module.
Joe Craig, Patapsco Research Group Complete DNN Support |
 Nuke Newbie Posts:9

03/22/2008 2:03 AM |
Hi craig, ok, i will do that. Thanks for your response.
 Nuke Newbie Posts:9

03/24/2008 7:15 AM |
Hi everybody, I am using dotnetnuke 4.8.1 version, i want to customize register page in dotnetnuke. I got succeeded in adding textboxes to the page but facing some problems in storing that data in database. I had added an extra columns to the user table in database and even to the stored procedure 'adduser'. But when i try to load the data , i am facing with "The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_UserProfile_Users". The conflict occurred in database "Databasename", table "dbo.Users", column 'UserID'." When i remove the extra added control, then it works fine. Please help me to get rid of it. Thanks. |