Thanks for that, I never would have found it!
Some users have also seen some wierd sIFR errors, which occur if you have an older version of flash. Updating flash resolves it. Heres an example:

Ok, well I think this site is ready to go live. I've certainly learned a lot from doing this and if I were starting again (or doing another site), I think Id take on board the following advice I've heard (from various parties).
- Make the banner smaller as it eats too much vertical space
- Reduce the amount of padding around the white rectangles
- Try to get more images in the right column with links around the site by reducing the vertical space they take up
- Generally try to reduce the amount of space it takes up in the vertical, so you see more on the homepage on first visit.
I have a whopping widescreen monitor so it all fits nicely on that. Most people tend to have 1024x768 or 1280x1024
Other than that, Im pleased with it. Thanks everyone and thanks to Lee for his great tutorials