My website charges clients for being hosted and being in our database. Normally we bill them once a year. I can pull a list of customers who are due to be billed out of the database into and excel spreadsheet and use works mail merge to send them an invoice. When the check comes in I update the database. I can easily pull a report up who hasn't paid. I now have customers who would like to spread the payments out and the bookkeeping is a pain. I suggested to my wife that maybe the way to do iy was 4 quarterly payments via a credit card. I just re-listened to the PayPal subscription stuff in DNN and that looks like a nightmare. There people are not very computer literate and have trouble registering. The likelihood of them getting thru PayPal and this subscription would be very low.
I have not heard anything good about DNN's store, so I think that is out as a solution. Got any suggestions for a reasonable way to collect money by credit card with some minimal bookkeeping? How about with quarterly payments?
In look at a couple items at snowcovered it appears "stores" usually require full trust, which might be a problem with hosting.