I'd certainly report the issues to House of Nuke. Since this is a beta version, it's possible that you've encountered an error. As for not getting the House Menu, I'd guess that you didn't specify it correctly. I'd certainly recommend the tutorials on the House Menu. In particular, take a look at:
DROPDOWNACTIONS is a container object that is part of DotNetNuke. If a container uses DROPDOWNACTIONS, then it must be referenced in the container as:
[%@ Register TagPrefix="dnn" TagName="DROPDOWNACTIONS" src="~/Admin/Containers/DropDownActions.ascx"%]
It would be included in the skin with a line like this:
[ dnn
ropDownActions runat=”server” id=”dnnDropDownActions”]
(Note: replace [ and ] above with the "less than" and "greater than" type of brackets)
Oh, and here's a recommendation - when installing a new skin, NEVER install it as the host or site's default skin or container. Apply the skin first to a single test page to make sure that it works correctly.