I see from the posts that a few others have already tried to put Issues 25 into practice on their web sites. I just spent half a weekend working on a new skin that is a combination of my old skin and the Issue 25 skin.
I used to use IE as my default browser, but over the past month I have switched almost completely to Firefox. My skins usually have a horizontal Snapsis two level menu and a almost full width ContentPane. This time I started with Lees' "2pane" design and crafted in the elements that I needed from my old skin. Then I did a "1pane" and a "1paneNoSearch" layout. Finally I went back and tweaked Lee's "3pane_main" even though I had no plans on having any three column pages.
I usually don't do different layouts such as 1pane and 2pane. Since all of these have a full-width header and menu followed by the panes for content, I usually have a full-width ContentPane followed by a SplitLeftPane and a SplitRightPane. If I don't put any modules in them they don't take up space. My full pages go in ContentPane. For the Blog that really requires to columns I leave the ContentPane empty and fill the other two.
On this layout I did both - I used Lee's layouts but had the SplitLeftPane and SplitRightPane divs there as well.
All went very well at first. All three layouts were almost right in FireFox when I went to IE to check them out with it.
Wow! The 3pane worked ok except for the background color dynamically changs from light blue to the dark blue that I wanted when you scrolled to the bottom of the page.
Next I went to the 2pane, it was a single pane with huge margins, and so was the 1pane, yet they were OK in Firefox. Finally I renamed "iehacks.css" and the layouts looked much more correct. The problem seems to be that Lee was adjusting the same variables in iehacks that he adjusted for the 2pane.css. As a result you get a mess only in IE. This problem limits the usefulness of iehacks if you are changing the same variables that you have in 2pane.css!
I have opened a port on my development system and you should be able to see the layout at
dsnow2.dnsalias.com/asi3 and my old production layout at
Since I don't really need the 2pane and 3pane layouts I can work around this problem. The one that really gets me is the background differences between IE and FF that show up with the scrolling. I have to fix this bug before I do a new logo and some graidents and can put the skin on my production server.
The other problem that showed up in this layout was that I had placed a Google Analytics module with "don't display container" and "place on every page" in the SplitRightPane. On my old layout it only took up space for Admin, but was "visible" for everyone so that Google could see it. On this layout it made the column lengths different between the two split panes. I finally added yet another full width div for the Google Analytics module.
If you have any idea for a fix to the background color diffs between IE and FF I'd love to hear it.
/Dave Snow