Gym Media
 Nuke Pro Posts:73

04/22/2006 9:27 AM |
Any suggestions? |
| The Ultimate Portal for the Ultimate Sport |
Gym Media
 Nuke Pro Posts:73

Lee Sykes DNN Creative Staff
 Nuke Master VI Posts:4945

05/04/2006 3:38 AM |
Hello, The first thing I would do is regularly ping your site as it took a long time to load up for the first view. - I've just written a post about this here: DNN Performance enhancementsOn the Gymnastics photos page you may want to reduce the number of photos to 3 across rather than 4 as it pushes the right module out of the page: On the Home page, I would enter a keyword related title for the page, this is the most important page to get your keywords in for the search engines. rather than: > Home - I would recommend you fill out the page title, description & keywords for all of your pages and change them for each page. - This will give you much better search engine results. Overall though, looking good and an interesting website. Thanks, |
Lee Sykes Site Administrator Subscribe to the website : DotNetNuke Video Tutorials : The Skinning Toolkit : DotNetNuke Podcasts
Gym Media
 Nuke Pro Posts:73

05/04/2006 9:01 AM |
Thanks! I appreciate the suggestions. I'll implement them probably by the end of the weekend.
We implemented the Oxygen Skin last night. There some problems with the layout. If you don't use the SAME dimensions as the default logo, it skews everything. Going to have to tweak the .ascx files.
Again thanks for the suggestions, if you have any other let me know! |
| The Ultimate Portal for the Ultimate Sport |
D Dyar
 Nuker Posts:13

05/18/2006 12:04 AM |
Orange? Who knew?  I was thinking about adopting the Oxygen skin for a project that includes an ActiveForums module, as does your site... but I am befuddled over the appearance of the forum using that skin- and others: The parts of the forum header that serve to sort the forum (AF 3.6) are being styled as *links* and they look a little odd (smaller/ different font, underlined) I wonder if Lee has any idea how to override (underride?) this without changing all the links in the site (which is what I ended up doing- just to get the forum to look correct) Anyhoo... Looking good! |
Gym Media
 Nuke Pro Posts:73

05/18/2006 6:02 AM |
Thanks! The orange is a bit different, hope it dosn't come off as tacky. LOL |
| The Ultimate Portal for the Ultimate Sport |
Dan Whitacre
 Nuke Ace Posts:45

05/18/2006 7:52 AM |
I really like the site. The orange has just enough vibrance to catch the eye and the white space seems to be used well.
Integration is the area I would focus upon, if time permits. I am not sure this is good practice, but it would have been helpful, if (for example) the list of winners in the Blog were links to the profiles. This may also help you create a list of profiles that you need. I noticed one US gymnast is doing very well, but no profile is on your site (priess comes to mind). Also, the article is about de Simone and I would like to see a profile on her. Lastly, the "centered" text seems to bother my eyes.
Finally, I love your site! I found it interesting and very attractive. I know nothing about the sport, but I would steer my kids toward it. GREAT work! |
D Dyar
 Nuker Posts:13

05/19/2006 12:27 AM |
I was so obsessed with the forum appearance that I complained about earlier- I fixxed it. (Naturally, you will want you own color choices... mine is on a dark blue bacground image)
I added this to the bottom of the skin.css file for the skin I am using... using HOST>FILE MANAGER (just like as directed for other AF skin mods):
/*mod to fit forum grouprow "link/sort" appearance with the rest of the forum header text*/ .afgrouprow a:link, .afgrouprow a:visited, .afgrouprow a:active{font-weight: bold;font-size: 12px;color:#ffffff;text-decoration: underline} .afgrouprow a:hover{color:#ff6600;text-decoration: none;}
I don't know why I used the host|file manager... I wonder if I could have done the same using the admin|file manager? |
Lee Sykes DNN Creative Staff
 Nuke Master VI Posts:4945

05/19/2006 5:55 AM |
Glad you worked out the forum styling, this isn't something I have taken the time to look at yet...
Re: the file manager - I'm assuming this is so that you can adjust your CSS file. The file managers in admin or host view give you access to different folders, so it depends on which css file you need to edit as to which folder area you need to access.
If you compare the views of the admin and host you will see where the files are stored. - You could of course use FTP as well.
Keep up the good work all! |
Lee Sykes Site Administrator Subscribe to the website : DotNetNuke Video Tutorials : The Skinning Toolkit : DotNetNuke Podcasts
Tim O'Brien
 Nuke Newbie Posts:5

05/19/2006 9:29 AM |
Nice skin. A little bit too much white space here and there. Although that is always a problem with portals with dynamic content.
I did notice one big mistake though.... the main logo is has a typo.
It says GYMNATICS MEDIA - missing the first "s" |
Gym Media
 Nuke Pro Posts:73

05/19/2006 11:00 AM |
Thanks everyone!
We havn't update the Profiles section in awhile, and certainly doesn't spotlight the many gymnasts that deserve to be mentioned. The reason we havn't updated it though is because the profiles section currently uses XMod forms. We're moving the Profiles section to use DNN Coe Wiki module. We feel it will be easier for people to add profiles, and help us add content to continue to educate people about the sport. We're thinking of calling it Gympedia.
The logo is spelled wrong! LOL OMG I wonder how long it would have takn me, or someone else to mention it was wrong!???
Soon we're going to release "Articles" using Ventian Systems News Articles module. A semi retired gymnast, with a journalism degree been bloging for us... and we're blessed to have her decide to become our resident journalist. She'll becovering meets, ect. In fact she's going to be front row for the Visa Championships in June.
Anyways I appreciate all the suggestions, and help everyone has given us! |
| The Ultimate Portal for the Ultimate Sport |
Gym Media
 Nuke Pro Posts:73

10/07/2006 5:17 PM |
WWe have been very busy adding features, and content.
We changed our photo album to use Simple Gallery, Added a Wiki for a gymnastics encyclopedia (Gympedia), Pools (You Pick'em), rss news feeds, and lastly our store.
We hav quickly out grown our store with soo many DVDs that it's become difficult to easily find the DVD your looking for. We have looked at various DNN eCommerce solutions, and are close to purchasing one from Emerald Solutions here. Their eCommerce solution looks easy to implement, simple to administer, and easy for user to find products. AND the price is right.
Anyways let us know how we can continue to improve our portal. |
| The Ultimate Portal for the Ultimate Sport |
 Nuke Ace Posts:42

11/08/2006 4:09 PM |
Love it, very clean. I like all your "content" icons (articles, videos, photos, music, etc)! A couple things:
1) Better check it with IE7, the width is screwy and overflows the page
2) You still have the default DNN favicon.
3) Minor - change your background color on your AForum group title bars. They display as the default blue before the orange gradient appears.
4) To be honest, I am not crazy about your logo. To me it doesn't have the professional feel of the rest of the site, and I think you need a color to contrast the orange. If you want to get a new logo cheap, check out
Mike |
Gym Media
 Nuke Pro Posts:73

11/08/2006 4:38 PM |
Thanks digiMike! Thanks for the suggestions! I agree the logo really needs something a bit more professional.
Thanks for the NamePros site! I'm definetly going to open a contest up for designers to make a new logo for my site! What a great idea, and a nice way for graphics designers to make a little extra cash.
| The Ultimate Portal for the Ultimate Sport |