I thought I'd really lucked out with these people, but now it all seems too good to be true.
The package and price are stupendous - lots of SQL 2005 DBs, DNN sites, disk space, bandwidth etc.
And the sites are fast as well - at least compared to my current host webhost4life and others I've tested.
However, a couple of serious issues:
1) You cannot backup and restore your own MSSQL databases (as advertised on their blurb). Apparently the SQL Server is separately hosted and not accessible from the account web console.
2) Their suggested workaround for restoring is for the customers to upload the database backup and raise a support ticket for them to complete the restore (see point 3!)
3) The support response times have been dreadful so far - I've had a call remain unanswered for 4 days, despite 2 chases from me. I've even raised the priority to 'urgent' and it's not been looked at in the last 12 hours!
So the summary is, if you need lots of resources and functionality, but don't need to backup and restore your MSSQL databases and don't value customer support, then these guys might do you proud. You get what you pay for I guess!!
Maybe I'm experiencing a blip with M6, I'd be pleased to hear from others who use them...me, I'm off host hunting (again!!!!) - I'd really like to go with PowerDNN but need a fair bit of disk space, and can't afford the higher end packages.