I would love a module that shows a list of 5 or so of the most recently modified or created pages on my site.
I am trying to write a SQL query that will do this to get started building such a module, but I'm not a developer so it's a very slow learning process.
select top 5
TabModules.TabID, TabModules.LastModifiedOnDate,
TabModules.ModuleTitle, Tabs.TabPath, Tabs.TabName
from TabModules
inner join Tabs
on TabModules.TabID=Tabs.TabID
order by LastModifiedOnDate DESC
This works, except if one page (or one module on that page) was modified more than once in the same time period as the last 5 LastModifiedOnDates, then that page and/or module is returned more than once. I only want to return the 5 most recently updated INDIVIDUAL pages.
There will be other limits to apply to filter out administrative pages. And possibly other things I can't see yet. This may be over my head.