Hey, Thanks for the comments. This response is actually for you and for anyone else.
Yeah, I noticed too in Firefox that the menu appears fully expanded for a moment then collapses. They wanted a menu that only shows the root, siblings and children of the current page and the Housemenu doesn’t provide that functionality. The problems I see with this design is that the user is blind to all of the content of the website, which is quite large, but they only see a few links on the homepage. So to find a child page they must first visit its parent page then its child links are available. Well, the client is always right... I kept this flicker so at least the visitor will have a clue that there is more to the site if they click around.
If anyone wants that script for use with the Housemenu you’re free to use it. Just view the page source to get it.
Another cool thing about this site is the header which is a Flash scrolling banner that automatically loads images from its folder and will also rename the images automatically. Hence, the client only needs to drop the images into the folder to make them appear in the banner. This was accomplished by using an iframe with an aspx page as its source. The aspx page has a C# file that reads the contents of the folder and renames the images in a number sequence. Then actionscript loads the sequence into movieclips.
I’ll go ahead and make that code available too. DotNetNuke and House of Nuke and so many others have provided the material for free that I used to build this website. So in a small this is giving back to the web community. Enjoy! http://www.websitesmaderight.com/Fl...llerv1.zip