I had done something similar... could not login to anything... assuming you have access to the database, you can fix by doing the following (I just now finished doing it):
1) Register a new user
2) Open the aspnet_Users table and copy the Userid GUID to notepad for "host" and "newuser"
3) Open the aspnet_Membership table. Find the row with the Userid (GUID) for "newuser" and copy paste the values from Password and PasswordSalt columns to notepad
4) Find the row with the userid (GUID) for "host", edit the row, and past the values from "newuser" into the Password and PasswordSalt columns.
5) Save the data
You should now be able to login to host using the password you used to setup the new user account. Now you can go reset all the passwords for all the other users and send notification to them to let them know that their password has been reset and their new password is now xxxxx.
Hope this helps... Paul
"Screw ups make the BEST teachers" LOL
acd49bb8-45df-4f34-aa04-5168a4858f8b newuser
11f9b2fd-6c97-4419-8808-803c4ed1ab0f host
soOX21Xj2G1QnDt6GTifEuI3l63O4dRGpXgbPATPuU/5TNJWfUhpUQ== newuser password
Z2cUcRyP1i43NaJUhgaX0Q== newuser passwordsalt
below is were I got the first Info:
I am not sure if this was the SOLLUTION that worked
after i followed the above instructions and tried to login the same problem occured
however after i tried restarting it and doing other things i decided to let go
the next day I came upon this hack:
Dim uc AS UserController = new UserController
objUser = uc.GetUser(PortalID, UserID)
which is placed in the file admin/security/Signin.ascx.vb right under line 332
332 (' Windows/DNN password validation should be same, check this status here
strMessage = UserController.GetUserCreateStatus(createStatus)
ElseIf (Not objAuthUser Is Nothing) AndAlso (Not objUser Is Nothing) Then)
Dim uc AS UserController = new UserController
objUser = uc.GetUser(PortalID, UserID)
then i login in with the same newuser password and under host username.. everything went fine for now.
I decided to test it to find out the right sollution and took off the code and login in again and it work
so my conclusion is that the first sollution worked and the second may help but I am not sure.
Here is were I got the info: