Hi Dave,
Yes, I also use Firefox almost exclusively and the firefox message I had not come across before either until I created the tutorial. This could be related to Firefox security settings on the windows Vista install version I use for the tutorials, or it could be simply that I had not noticed it before as I generally use keyboard shortcuts when editing in the FCK editor.
I have covered basics of the FCK Editor in other tutorials such as
Quick Start Guide to DotNetNuke, the tutorials released in the latest issue are meant as an update and continuation to the previous FCK tutorials:
If there is a demand for a basic 3-5min video on the FCK Editor I will create one -
anyone who wants it let me know. I have previously not done this as I thought it would be repeating content.
When recording the tutorials I was going to just cover the advanced areas and skip the toolbar functions but figured that I should cover absolutely everything so a beginner can get to know all of the features of the FCK Editor and then understand the more advanced topics that are to come.
So, little did I know that the beginner tutorial would be so large! + the FCK Editor tutorials would take so many videos, they have literally covered 3 issues worth, but we are cramping them into 2 issues along with other content. I've now finished recording for the FCK Editor and the final set of tutorials are currently being edited, next issue will cover:
FCK Editor Formatting Style Definitions
FCK Editor HTML Templates
FCK Editor Custom Toolbars and Security Roles
FCK Editor Further Configuration Options
and also a related topic of Alert Styles - which is for helping to keep control of your administrators and what content they enter into the FCK Editor. - Total of 14 vids.
Yes background colours have always been an issue with the FCK Editor and it was interesting to experiment with a few solutions for areas such as the link gallery and image gallery.
The Instance, Module, Portal always trip everyone up and it does make it hard to see what settings are applied where. - The best tip I have is to select each of them in the drop down list and then click on the clear link to clear out all of the settings and then go through and select the settings you require and click on apply.