I'm very new to DNN and fairly new to ASP.NET. I was given a task to create a eBanking application in ASP.NET. I was wondering helplessly and then found out something called DotNetNuke and thought of using it as my base to create the eBanking system.
My eBanking system will have four main section viz.
- Normal section(when unregistered users visit the site - will have altogether 7 pages including default - About, Services, Finance, Partners, Sitemap, Contact us)
- Customer logged In section(where customers will be able to see account summary,loan summary,all transaction history,loans applied for and its status,their profile,and most obvious logout)
- Employee logged in section(where an employee will able to see all customers who have applied for loans request and either assign them or reject them with appropriate reason,see all check book request made and its status of dispatch,calculator for loan and interest,Foreign Exchange rates,Profile,logout)
- Administrator logged in section(where the admin will be able to create new user accounts and assign roles of either customer,administrator or employee,manage accounts and roles,modify accounts and roles and assign unique primary key in the database according to the roll,modify account information like minimum balance & interest rates& also add new type of accounts,modify loan information like down payment & interest rate & also add new types of loan,profile section and logout)
Well I hope i made clear what my applications need now its time for feasibility of this problem using DNN. Is it really possible to create this kind of app using
DNN. If it really is somebody please guide me how to go about it.I'm not able to understand how to use DNN to bring this project alive.
Any help would be really helpful to person who is learning DNN...