What is NukeAlert?
Automated email management with scheduled delivery, real time data, surveys, easy opt-ins, multi-threaded (process thousands of emails without effecting the performance of your server), visitor friendly online viewer and more. NukeAlert even provides the ability to schedule email delivery in batches to prevent being blacklisted for SPAM. It's EASY TO USE. Download sample Campaigns from www.OnyakTech.com to get started now!
For Complete Details, go to http://onyaktech.com/Modules/AllOnyakTechProducts/tabid/373/ProductID/88/Default.aspx
Use NukeAlert For:
- Newsletters
- Automated Reporting with Real-Time Data
- Reminders
- Advertise New Products & Services
- Announcements
- Recent Forum Postings
- Press Releases
- Increase Search Engine listings by using NukeAlert Viewer while also presenting your visitors with the ability to view recent newsletters online.
- Don't get Blacklisted again! Schedule your newsletter in batches with NukeAlert!
- and anything else you need to publish via email scheduled at set intervals or just one time. Either now or in the future.
The problem with conventional email marketing campaigns: With conventional newsletters, one has to copy content from the site into the newsletter being prepared for the mailing. And if you've just spent the week making posts to the Announcements module, it seems silly to have to copy it all manually into a summary/aggregated post for distribution by email at the end of the week.
The problem with RSS is that non-Internet-savvy people don't/can't use it and it also doesn't go out in a single post, but piece-meal. It also doesn't arrive by email and email is a significant channel for many content providers. Email remains the only major push-channel on the internet.
The Solution: NukeAlert
Modules Included:
- Schedule emails to go out yearly, monthly, weekly, daily or even just one time
- Create Dynamic Content mailings using dynamic content generated at the time of mailing. Now you can automatically send news updates on new content within your site or stored in a Table in your database without every manually copy and pasting information.
- Build a dynamic recipient list using the NukeAlert Opt-In module, Fixed lists, Custom Lists (SQL), Roles within your portal and even Global Roles (Roles that exist in every portal).
- Add Surveys to your emails easily and download the results right from the Campaign Details screen. Global Role selection is visible to Super User accounts only.
- Uses batches to split the mailing of your campaign into multiple jobs by specifying the number of emails to send out in every job. The current status and number of jobs completed is visible on the Campaigns List as well as in the Campaign Detail screen.
- View each run within the core NukeAlert module or let everyone view them using the NukeAlert Viewer module.
- The Opt-IN module allows people to quickly sign-up to a campaign by entering just their email address. They can unsubscribe just as easily.
- Run Campaigns at any time by clicking Run Now from the Campaign manager.
- The NukeAlert Viewer allows you to choose which Campaigns can be viewed.
- Campaign Templates available on www.OnyakTech.com