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creating styles for telerik editor in DNN 6
Last Post 09/26/2011 11:00 PM by
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Nuke Master
09/26/2011 11:00 PM
Hello Joe and others,
I am working on a site for a client of mine who has DNN 6.0.1 so I refreshed myself on Lee Sykes tutorial in regards to the telerik editor in regards to adding classes to the styles dropdown box. Suffice it to say the first thing I noticed was I was missing a bunch of icons in the telerik editor that use to be their in DNN5.x
Not knowing how to fix this issue in itself I looked at a Dotnetnuke post that suggested I should go to host>htmleditormanager. By Default DNN 6.0.1 had this set to Dotnetnuke Radeditor provider but seeing it was missing so many of the items found in the toolsconfig file for the telerik editor under providers>htmlprovider>telerik>config I switched from the default html provider to the good old trusty Telerik Editor Provider.
If anyone has any idea how to get the dotnetnuke radeditor provider to allow me to populate it with things such as alignment icons, font size, image manager, etc, etc... I would love to know as well as the best way to add new styles to this new html provider but until such a time I opted for the Telerik provider.
Having said this I went ahead and tried to add these styles in the way Lee Sykes presented it in his tutorials a long while back and this worked flawlessly in the DNN 5.x days but now since I have been on DNN 6.x I tried using this same method but in vain.
What I did discover however was that if instead of adding the actual styles in the styles.css file associated with my skin I found if I add the styles in the default.css file found in the default folder which is a sub of portals that it would all of a sudden show up.
So basically if I placed the style in the css file (i.e. style.css) that belonged to the skin and declared this style in the class attribute in the toolsconfig.xml file I would not see any results reflected in the edit content mode when I clicked on the style dropdown menu but again if I would put it in the default.css file and keep the declaration of it in the toolsconfig.xml file than for the most part I would gain success and than if I deleted the style from the style.css found in the skins folder that is being used on my site than the style would continue to appear but if I deleted the style in the default.css found at the portal level and kept it in the style.css found at the skin level than the style would disappear from the drop down menu.
Bottom line Joe is that it almost appears as if in DNN 6.0.1 choosing to use the telerik editor as your html provider and trying to add styles to the drop down menu as we could in the DNN 5.x era I just can't get to work it is almost as if now if you want to have any chance of it working it better be put in the default.css file or you might as well not place it anywhere.
Another interesting thing to note is I tried adding a class called .test and when I added this to either default.css or style.css or both and declared it in the toolsconfig.xml file I noted that it did not appear on the list but when I tweaked it from test to testmun and changed in in the toolsconfig.xml file than it would appear with the name of test or any other name you gave it but just don't let the class be declared as test or it will not work at least that was the case with me.
I was thinking that other class decorations that I made which included hyphens would aslo not show up in the list but I just tried that theory now before finishing this thread and noted their was no problem with hyphens in styles as it relates to it being displayed on the style drop down menu however what I did notice was the same thing I have been discussing all along in this thread and that is having the style in the style.css file will just not work anymore regardless of the style it seems to mostly work (except in the case of the word test as the style) when placed in the default.css file. In fact having this particular one already in the style.css I opted again once I saw it working to delete the style from the default.css file but keep it in the style.css file and again it disappeared from the list.
I know I am using the right style.css file becasue I completely erased it and uploaded it blank to see if I could see any styles in the drop down list and I saw the same default ones (i.e. normal, normalbold, normalred, etc...) that were there before I tried adding styles. Next I repopulated the style.css file and did the same exact thing but this time with the default.css file. It was a bit harder to navigate to the html module with a blank default.css file on the server but I finally managed to do it and found no styles but the clear style option to clear any styles you had just applied so this was just another thing that confirmed to me that for whatever reason my toolsconfig file is simply not reading the style.css file from my skin but rather the portal default.css file.
I know I don't want to be populating my default.css files with custom styles just for the purpose of having them display on the style dropdown menu do you guys have any idea of what might be going on here and why toolsconfig.xml is thinking it needs to pipeline its styles from default.css instead of skin.css any ideas would certainly be helpful in regards to this.
By the way just to let you know before working on trying to get these styles added I took Lee Sykes advice and made copies of the original defaultconfig.xml and toolsconfig.xml and of course rewired the web.config file accordingly and again the rad editor is being rendered but styles are not showing up in the dropdown menu in the way that I believe they were designed to do or the way they use to do in DNN 5.x Again if you have any insite how to populate the new dotnetnukeradeditor found in DNN6 with the same tools that the old telerik editor had and if you have any ideas how to add custom styles to the dotnetnukeradeditor as you are suppose to be able to do with the old telerik editor this kind of information would be very much appreciated since I would prefer to be using the dotnetnukeradeditor instead of this telerikeditor if indeed it is better and more robust but in order to do so I must have those tool items that went missing on the dotnetnukeradeditor back and I also must brush up on how to add custom styles to this new htmlprovider as well.
Thanks for reading through this and will be waiting for any of your comments that might help me and others who are having similiar issues to what I am experiencing here.
Thank You again,
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