Maninder Dhiman
 Nuke Newbie Posts:1

07/28/2010 5:45 AM |
i have made a site in dnn. In my site i applied a different skin to one page. It works fine normallly but when i click on setting or edit link of any module placed on it the setting pageopens with default skin. but i want that it should open with skin i applied on that page... Also i don't want to change admin skin...
can any one have its solution...
Thanks Maninder Dhiman
Joseph Craig DNN MVP Posts:11667

07/28/2010 7:35 AM |
The settings pages always open in the admin/edit skin. |
Joe Craig, Patapsco Research Group Complete DNN Support |
 Nuker Posts:16

08/26/2010 2:32 AM |
hi i want to change layout of my "Aboutme" Page i need only topPanel and bottemPanel , for this i edit the Skin in flder Skins->MinimalExtropy->index 1280.html and add <div id="footer" runat="server"> ,similarly TopPanel this layout apply to all pages of Admin and host to i just want to set this layout for aboutme page only , Help !! |
Joseph Craig DNN MVP Posts:11667

08/26/2010 7:05 AM |
Have you tried just placing content in the top and bottom panes? The other panes should collapse if you do that, so you may not have to create a new skin.
If you do want to create a new skin, copy index1280.html and give it a new name. Also copy the corresponding doctype file, and rename it similarly. Edit the HTML page to your liking and place it and doctype back in the folder. You will then need to go to the Skins section of the Extensions page, click the pencil icon to edit the skin and then click Update Extension. This should result in creation of an ascx file that corresponds to your html skin.
Then, go to the AboutUs and open settings. Choose the new skin for that page.
Joe Craig, Patapsco Research Group Complete DNN Support |
 Nuker Posts:16

08/27/2010 6:09 AM |
it Works .. thanks for great help for now i apply skin to Aboutme page , now AboutMe page has dotnetNuke icon and then RibbonMenuBar(which contain admin,host,aboutme ) My question is : 1)Is RibbonMenuBaris part of my page or its Dotnetnuke menubar , as i want to change it because the site i am creating has menu bar which contain Home | Gallary | about me hyperlink , 2) i want to set MYHome page as my startup page of website, whout that DotnetNuke ribbonbar and dotnetNuke icon ,when i type localhost/myfirstsite thanks |
Joseph Craig DNN MVP Posts:11667

08/27/2010 7:01 PM |
The ribbonbar is part of the "control panel" that is visible to anyone logged in with administrative privileges. You can remove it by removing it from your skin. I'm not sure that this is a good idea, though, because you then will have no way of administering the site.
Joe Craig, Patapsco Research Group Complete DNN Support |
 Nuker Posts:16

08/31/2010 12:17 AM |
yes it is not an good idea to remove rebbon bar , but my question is: how the visitor of my site view the site as it can view other site with there startuppage when thay are hosted ? i mean as u see this form site |
Joseph Craig DNN MVP Posts:11667

08/31/2010 7:40 AM |
I do not understand you question. Can you try asking it differently?
Joe Craig, Patapsco Research Group Complete DNN Support |
 Nuker Posts:16

08/31/2010 11:09 PM |
sorry, thats the better explaination what i want to ask please see 2 attached screen shoots , -> screen shoot with DnnRebonbar,is the page that i view when i login to Dnn ->Screen shoot without DnnRebbonbar ,is the page that i want to display to User/visitor of my site ,because the visitor of the site doesnot have to do any thing with Admin,and host panel . i know its bit silly but i am not getting it ...  |
Joseph Craig DNN MVP Posts:11667

09/01/2010 6:43 PM |
The ribbon bar and controls are shown only to users who are logged into your site and given administrative privileges. If you logout of your site, you should not see them.
Joe Craig, Patapsco Research Group Complete DNN Support |
 Nuker Posts:16

09/08/2010 1:57 AM |
Joseph Craig DNN MVP Posts:11667

09/08/2010 6:28 PM |
Set permissions for modules and pages to be seen by anyone as viewable by "All Users."
Set permissions for modules and pages to be seen only by someone who has logged in as viewably by "Registered Users."
Joe Craig, Patapsco Research Group Complete DNN Support |
 Nuker Posts:16

10/04/2010 5:13 AM |
Great Help thanks  |