I created a user control and added into ContentPane of a module control via admin login along with a TabId
this ContentPane is defined in skins/some_skin_file.ascx like
on this particular TabId- SearchAndList i have two divs one to show search animation for few seconds and other for
displaying result.
i want another div "divFullScreen" to be visible fully stratched to fullscreen when the page is loaded and hidden
after few seconds.
i did it keeping "divFullScreen" height-width to a large number. in JS function is written to show/hide div and using
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript in code behind i made it visible/hidden
now the problem is when the page is loaded, topnavigation comes for a fraction of seconds on Mozilla before the
divFullScreen is streched, because it is parent of the ContentPane.
how to fix it?
above this table there are tables which are used for showing menu and logo-image
| <!--#include file="topnavigationmenu.asp"--> |